so my best friend is an absolutely gorgeous petite welsh girl with nice tits and an amazing ass. problem is she's a lesbian but all i wanna do is fuck her till she screams.

Elena Koshka Overloaded
"You deserved it"
Pornstar Accidently Pukes on Fellow Actress
The Love Plug
MistressOfPorn's Slave Harem
The absolute cutest girls
Amateur Lesbians and Amateur Solo
Board Posts
This little cutie is a proud-and-out lesbian--except when she's drunk. After a few drinks she's more than happy to sidle up to tall, well-built guys and take it in every hole. She's gotten in trouble more than once for cheating on her long-term girlfriend, with boys and girls, and even had a pregnancy scare a few years ago.
She's as good as they come: petite, cute, firm-bodied, and unable to keep her legs shut.
Hey guys I need your help finding a video. I think it was on xnxx. It was a black girl in a bukkake, I think she was a "lesbian" and the guys were trying to turn her straight. After the vid was done there was a behind the scenes type of thing and one of the pornstars fucks her. The black girl was petite and had tattoos
My confession is long, bizarre, and 100% true. I am a 20-something, fat, tall male; but on the inside I feel like a cute, petite, late-teens girl. My ultimate sexual fantasy would be to start a romantic and sexual relationship with an actual age 18 or 19 year old girl and grow old with her. In public I would maintain my masculinity. But in the bedroom we would be a �lesbian� couple, we would wear matching lingerie, she would suck my tits and vice versa, perform oral on each other (vaginal, both of our anuses, my dick and balls, her strap on), and with aforementioned phalluses fuck each other�s holes and breasts.
I am also an anime freak and another fantasy of mine would be to crossplay as an EGL. With any luck I�ll do so at a convention sometime and hopefully find my ideal partner.
looking for this homemade videos of this amateur lesbian couple where one girl is chubby with glasses and the other is petite dyke looking with short blonde hair, a triangle tattoo, and almost no tits. There are several short clips around and most of them are self-shot one by this dyke girl.
anyone got them?
Quick refresher, LGBT was happening, i got invited to the after party, by a friend Dave i had not seen for nearly y years we had spoke and texted each other, He married a woman Clare who i had dated a little while before they got together, Dave at the time they married had no idea i had dated her, there was a guy in between that got her pregnant this guy was only here in the Uk around 3 months, Dave has brought the child now 28 year old girl Lisa up,
Now it was Lisa's idea for him to invite me, she doesn't live at home with mum and dad, who also have 3 other kids 2 boys and a young teenage girl
Lisa shares a 4 bedroomed house with her 2 close school friends Rachel and Kim (who is half English half Chinese) its her house these 3 share daddy bought it 4 her apparently Rachel and Kim are out and out lesbians plus they are legally married to each other and both was complete men virgin's
Dave and me got dressed up in women's under garments. all 7 of us got a taxi into the city centre did a small pub crawl met others before getting to the party pub the Flag in Worcester UK, I Paul actually live Nearly 40 miles away in Gloucester UK. I was picked up and was supposed to be stopping at Dave and Clare's house
whilst in this party Pub the Flag, Lisa took me into the uni-sex toilet and gave me a blow job, later Clare did similar,
I found out Dave and Clare had split up and was going through a divorce, but carried on sharing there house so as not to upset the 3 younger kid's
I also found out Dave is accentually Gay, he left me , his wife Clare stranded no way to get home or get in there house as he had left carrying Clare's handbag purse over his shoulder round his neck, all her money was in there plus the house keys.
we landed up going and Staying with Lisa Rachel and Kim , long story short now, we all landed up having sex with each other i was given a blow job by all i had Virginal and anal sex with all 4 taking Rachel and Kim's anal and virginal virginities,
Clare landed up driving me home as Dave was to drunk then next day,
Lisa came along for the ride, Clare said she wanted to see me more.
Lisa said she also wanted me and would be back on the Tuesday after.
True to her word Lisa did turn up at 5pm as she said, we had a bite to eat and some drinks, then we retired to my bedroom only because Lisa had bought a DVD with her to show me, and i am the only one with a DVD player and its in my bedroom, before she put the DVD on she asked if i had a shower could she freshen up as she came straight from work, she is a care nurse, if i remember she said she arrive after work Tuesday and stay till Thursday teatime.
I pointed her in the direction of the shower, gave her a big fluffy freshly washed beach towel/sheet, Lisa stripped off giving me a quick flash of her well toned petite body, then quickly covered up, she called me from the shower asking how it worked ???? i showed her as she stood there in all her naked glory, she stood as the water began to caress the curves of her beautiful lush body, i just stood there, i heard her say what you waiting for i am not going ask get in
I was stripped naked stood next to her in a flash, i stood behind, my rather long thick cock sprang into action.
i slipped between her legs from behind as i did she put her hand down and push me between here pussy lips moving herself slowly back and forth over my cock i cupped her tits from behind she then turned around lifted her leg up which i put on my shoulder and she guided me inside her pussy, it was so hot sexy horny she just looked at me said fuck me hard i want to feel all of you inside me make me come as i was thrusting in and out fairly hard she rubbed her clit, the water was lovely and warm as it cascaded all over both of us.
it was so hot sexy she came twice in this position i had to hold her steady her as her legs began to shake as she orgasmed im a stayer normally last a long time before i cum this was that sexy horny i blew and emptied my full load deep in her womb.
we kissed for a while nice passionate snog, then we washed each other i paid a lot of attention to her pussy and ass.
we soon went to my bedroom where we lay on the towel wet drying Lisa set the DVD in motion, as it started to play she went down on me taking my cock in her mouth she did this in a position i could easily finger her pussy and ass if i wanted to,
the DVD took me by surprise, it was a recording of me and the 3 girls at Kim's house, they had edited it and cut Lisa's mum Clare out the recording,
I asked Lisa what the fuck why was this recorded, why had they cut Clare her mum out, Lisa said shut up carry on watching as there is a message for you at the very end, then she went back to blowing me i was very nearly hard again as she licked my balls and sucked on my cock i was fingering both her asshole and pussy Lisa loved this as she was moving her ass in motion with my fingers going in and out of her.
Then the message came all 3 girls was sat together naked legs wide open showing me there pussies, Rachel and Kim both kissed Lisa, and sucked each others nipples, Lisa spoke first saying she was on a mission from the day she had found out i had fucked her mum and her mum had told her how great i was in bed and what a massive long thick cock i had, from that day it was her mission to find out for herself and i hadn't disappointed her,
Rachel and Kim spoke together and said they had never been with any man before and they would never go with another as they are strictly lesbians, but they will make an exception for me as i had taken the pussy and ass's man virginity, and they loved the way i fucked them and made them feel so special. The Kim spoke alone and said she wanted me to force take her in her ass again even though she tried to fight me and it hurt because i had gone in all in one go dryish, but the pain and pleasure was unbelievably great, most intense orgasm she had ever had and she wanted me in her ass again, but not for a few weeks as i had torn her ass inside and she was seriously sore.
I just sat there in complete disbelief, mouth open, Lisa jokingly put her hand under my jaw and made out she was lifting it shut, Lisa then jumped on my cock took me in her pussy and rode me she was going crazy she was shaking but kept going raising up my whole length then dropping as quickly and hard as she could, she flooded was like a non stop orgasm she was having, i rolled her onto her back and pounded even though she was flooding soaking wet she was still tight she was moaning and gasped every time i pounded deep inside her into her i put her legs over my shoulder as i pounded real hard and deep,.
she was having serious leg shaking orgasms one after the other but wouldn't let me slow down let up no rest until i emptied inside her again, as i cam she smiled from ear to ear owwww thats soooo nice its warm i can feel you coming inside me, as she let her legs slip of my shoulders down my arms onto the bed, and she grabbed the back of my head pulled me towards her as we had the most intense passionate snoke she was trying to get her tongue down my throat, she then let me got shuffled down and took me in her mouth again cleaning mine and her cum of my cock, we lay there for 5-10 mins then she lent over looked at her phone, OMG, i got to get a move on, can i grab another shower, you got make me a nice creamy coffee,
she came down the stairs all dressed in her nurses career uniform, i nearly came in my pants she looked so sexy, she said she was sorry, but her shifts had changed she was on duty at 11pm she told me where she had to go , i said your ok for another hour that's literally 10 mins drive from my house, she calmed down and sat next to me had a few sips of her coffee and asked are you sure its that close, yes i told her out my road turn left end of that road do a flip flat ( quick rite then quick left) then you are on the road of the house you are going to, and i think the house is near the round about at the end of that road
Smiling at me as long as you are sure i can't be late, don't worry your be there for 11pm
No i actually start at 11:30 pm i am taking over from another girl who doesn't do night care, i normally get to sleep,
Lisa then took my cock out my shorts, and went down on me again soon as i was hard she dropped her pants to the floor and stepped out of them she bent over ass facing me lifted her nurses dress over her ass parted her legs i was looking at her tight asshole and her full peachy looking clean shaven pussy, looked eatable, as i reached out she slapped my hand away no you don't she said,
her hand appeared between her legs she rubbed her clit vigorously as she made herself cum it was a picture to see her peachy pussy open slightly as her juices began to flow from her, again i reached out again i was bated away she pushed her hand further back 2 fingers entered her pussy 1 went in her as, by now i was rubbing my cock, watching her finger herself was just a dream,
she was slowly backing up towards me i never really noticed was to interested in seeing her playing with herself as she got closer her hand came on my cock, she was guiding me into her, she then took me deep, and put her feet up on the sofa either side of me a she began riding me slowly raising up and hammering herself down into my groin, she got a little pace going and i began to help by thrusting up to meet her, she lay back onto my chest took my hand and put in with hers on to hr clit as we rubbed together a few mins of rubbing her clit and fucking she moved my had and hers and pushed 2 of mine and her own fingers into her pussy, that's when i realised she was fucking her own ass fucking upon my cock,
as she lay back i nibbled her ear it was just to much for Lisa she orgasmed so strongly her whole body was shaking, her one leg shot out almost straight shaking furiously and she let one hell of a squirt go it was like a fountain had just been turned on i must have gone a foot in the air and 2-3 foot across the room it was that strong lasted a good 30 seconds before subsiding , i looked and my poor pet cat that was curled up fast asleep on the white bear rug , was soaking wet , it was just looking around like as if to say where the fuck did that come from,
Lisa when she settled down caught her breathe notice the poor cat, and she just kept saying ohh im sorry puss cat really sorry, she tried to stand up but dropped on to her knees being week from her orgasm squirting moment
she went on her knees to the puss cat got a hand towel that was sitting on the washing pile and dried the poor cat off cuddling her saying sorry pus cat sorry, my cat loved all Lisa's attention purring away she was,
Lisa came back said i have to finish myself off she has to go, as she made her way to the front door i held her panties up aren't you forgetting something laughing at her, i threw them to her she slipped her panties back on and was out the front door, she quickly poked her head back in asking for the directions again, then she was gone,
Shortly after my 37 year old son who i share my house with came into the front room where me and Lisa had just finished in. he smiled at me shaking his head, you lucky lucky old man, how old was she 20 no older that 25 i say dad, he wasn't far off as Lisa is 28,
he then said she must be dessy or stupid, your old enough to be her grandad, she's younger that me, but i have to say she has beautiful tits and shaven pussy,.
I has completely forgotten he was home he must have heard everything we did, he definitely seen us fucking in the front room,
he asked who she was when i told him he was stunned, tell me you are joking dad thats not they Lisa that buck toothed little ugly thing from Worcester,
yep i said, then i told him the whole story, and that Clare her mum is coming over to,
as i said that my mobile went it was a message from Lisa's mum Clare can i ring her urgently,
But that's another story, Part 3 to be continued soon
My Ex Dumped Me to Go Fight In Ukraine
I know there are a lot of bullshit posts on here regarding confessions - I think I'm just writing all of this to vent.
Back when Russia invaded the Ukraine, I was engaged to a beautiful woman named Nina. Nina was born in the Ukraine, but moved to the USA to go to nursing school after she got out of high school. She was taught English in high school and speaks it very well. I first met her through a mutual friend, and we hit it off. We dated for a good 4 years and were engaged for the last 2 years. We planned on getting married in May of 2022, but Russia decided to invade her homeland.
Looking back at my relationship with her, it was always such a perfect time. We never argued, we were sexually open about our needs, and boy she could satisfy every single need I had.
She was planning on getting of birth control in April so we could fuck to our hearts content on our honeymoon (which was going to be in Cancun Mexico). She wanted to start a family with me, get pregnant as soon as possible.
When Russia invaded, it all changed. She became distant, depressed, anxious. Eventually she sat me down to have a talk.
"I need to do something that will break your heart, and mine. I'm going back to Ukraine to fight and I know you'll want to come with me, but I need to do this on my own, for my people. I'm breaking off our engagement."
I was shocked, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I begged and pleaded with her.
"I do this because I love you, and I don't want you to die," she was stern, cold.
"I'm fucking going with you, I'd rather die next to you than be left here being depressed that my fiance is off fighting in a fucking war, no fucking way, I'm coming."
It was the first time she ever hit me, the slap was hard and my lip split open. Blood trickled down my chin. Tears welled up in her eyes and she got up and walked away.
I didn't have much to say to her when she was packing, I just was stunned that it was all over.
I sat on the couch, and she came and sat down next to me. She kissed me on the lips and we fucked. It was just so odd, like she wanted just one last fuck out of me - and I gave it to her. It was the most aggressive I've ever fucked her, or any woman. I grabbed her throat, slammed my cock in her tight pussy as her legs were wrapped around me. I slapped her, spit in her mouth, and she took every bit of the abuse.
I was so angry I flipped her over doggy style and jammed it in her ass, "since we're not having a kid I might as well just cum in your ass."
She moaned with each and every thrust, her little asshole was tight. I only usually teased it with the head of my cock, but this time I was thrusting all of my dick in her. It hurt her, I could tell.
I pulled her hair, bit her neck and came deep inside her asshole. I left bruises, I left my mark.
She collected herself, got dressed and left.
She texts me every so often. She says she misses me, says she loves me and hopes that I accept her back after the war. I told her I would.
Her occupation in the Ukrainian military is combat field nurse, and supervisor head nurse.
There was a gap when she didn't contact me for a good month, and I figured she probably met some other dude and was fucking him. But she sent me a picture of her wearing a leg brace.
"War is dangerous," was what she wrote me.
It turns out she got shot three times in the leg, it shattered her Tibia and Femur in 2 different places so they had to cut open her leg and get the shards of bone and screw the rest back together. I surely thought that she'd be opting out of the war, but what she said was pretty much that she's addicted to the adrenaline of war.
"You get used to the bodies and the smell eventually. It's like you're not puking every time you see brains and guts splattered all over. You're not puking when you smell burnt flesh after a while either. I guess it's at those times I think of you, when I feel all hope is lost, I think of you. But I also realized that I'm a killer now. I've killed people. I've taken life. Russia is sending idiots here, some are just boys right out of school, young fools. The first time I killed, I cried so hard, the second time I killed my heart raced like I just won the lottery, the third time I killed I smiled. I don't think I'll ever be that sweet girl you wanted to marry... I have nightmares, bad ones of me fucking you and slitting your throat - I wake up in cold sweats, screaming. I never want to hurt you. I love you. The best outcome is me dying here. -Nina"
Of course, I write her back - text her, and email her - sometimes she responds, sometimes she doesn't. She's been gone since April of 2022, fighting in this shitty war. I've asked her if she's met anyone that she's romantically interested in. She didn't respond for a while but then wrote back:
"I'm not fucking any men, if that's what you're asking. Usually I cheat on you with my fingers, but I have found a woman's touch is pretty satisfying too. Yes, I'm fuck buddies with this girl from a small village named Lubny, her husband was killed and we bonded. She cried on my shoulder many nights and eventually for some reason I kissed her and well, I guess I'm now a lesbian. Maybe her and I will fall in love and you can hate me more for hurting you and breaking your heart. I'm a mean bitch, right? I don't mean to hurt you, but I need to see this through. I need to keep fighting for my homeland, just like you would fight for yours."
Eventually I guess the girl she was fucking around with got injured really bad and was shipped to a hospital in Poland. The last message I got from her was, "I miss your dick. I can't stand healing from this leg injury I need to be back on the front lines."
And that was it. I haven't heard from her in about a month. I've checked to see if she was killed a few times but she's still alive, she's just ghosting me.
I keep reflecting back on how we used to be, how we used to fuck - how I'd help her shave her pussy when she'd get out of the shower. How I'd eat her pussy and lick her ass, and how she'd stroke my cock and finger my asshole. I miss her perky little tits bouncing in my face as she would ride me. I miss her perfect round ass and her petite body - then come to find out the fucked up part:
She was offered a modeling position for propaganda and she's doing that now. Anyway, I guess my confession in all of this is: I confess it's time to move on and find someone else. I do love her, I always will love her - but she's so caught up in the war, and it's her life now. Not only that but her coming back to the USA and marrying me... dealing with PTSD and all kinds of shit with her would probably kill our relationship anyway. She's changed as a person. The war seemingly has aged her 10 years. She's cold. I'm mad, sure. Anyway. That's that.
Well, not really. I met another woman who is sweet. I told her about Nina and she understands. This other woman wants to date me full time - we've fooled around. I guess my next move is to tell Nina I've met someone else and wish her luck... but of course that will really hurt for me to do. Nina has obviously moved on with her life, choosing war over me.
Just a good story bit of an essay
iA girlfriend from many years ago early 1990's I was 26 at the time, had a good well paid job, plenty of prospects, I stand 5' 8" around 75kg-80kg fairly fit, and I had a big brown mullet hair style average looking guy, I worn a Goaty beard, a real stud muffin (not) my name is Paul.
Now my girlfriend was 23. she worked as a Travel store manager/consultant in one of the top Holiday booking shops Lun Polly she stood5'1"- 5'2" around 45kg very petit figure, nice ass, big breasts shoulder length brown hair lovely big eyes come kiss me smile, she wasn't ashamed of her body she liked for the guy's to ogle her, I didn't complain about this as she was on my arm her name was Bea (Beatrice)
We had been dating for 6 months before we moved into a rented penthouse flat together, we had plenty of holidays on the cheap, she used to take up all the late cancellation, un-booked last min deals, plus the 2 holidays a year the company gave her free.
One night we was out with a group of mutual friends, for the night, meal, pubbing and clubbing, the group was all coupled up, We all met up in a very posh but not to expensive restaurant had a lovely 3 course meal a few bottles of nice wines, red and sparkling white, finished of with cocktails, during the meal, sara one of the girls brought up the topic of fantasies, was basic silly fantasies at first, as the wine and cocktails flowed it turned to sexual fantasies, nearly all the guys was very similar to have sex with 2 or more girls at once, one guy fantasized about him and his girlfriend at a nudist beach and both being touched up by other nudists, before making love to his girlfriend in the sea with people applauding them, bit of a strange one, 2 girls wanted to be with 2or more guys and made love to only 1 girl mentioned fantasizing about having DVP & DP with Anal came to me and I said I only wanted to have sex any hole with my girlfriend only, very lame I know but that wasn't my real fantasy, I just couldn't put it out there, now was Bea's turn, we all waited with bated breathe, I believe Bea was a little bit merry(drunk) she wasn't a big drinker got pissed after a few drinks, well Bea said, she held my hand and asked me not to worry as was only a fantasy, she began, this is a little naughty, but I dream fantasise about walking on my own a van pulling up besides her a nice young good looking guy leans out the window with a big road map and starts to ask for directions, as she is talking showing him, a couple of other guys sneak up behind her grab hold of her covering her mouth was a rag that had something on it that put her to sleep, when she came to, she was naked in the middle of 6 completely naked guys strangers and the all took advantage of her, in every way thinkable, before putting her back to sleep dressing her an taking her back to the place they took her from sitting her on a bench with in a bus stop, where she woke up.
Now my true fantasy was similar I wanted Bea to be gangbanged taken against her will while I was tied up and forced to watch.
The evening carried on we wet in and out 5-6 bars having a drink in all, we was all very much pissed, but was just about capable of acting normal, all of us made it into the night club, where we danced had a few more drinks one couple slopped off home after a couple of hours, another couple the ones who the guy fantasised about being watched having sex in the sea, they got kicked out for having sex in one of the ladies toilet cubicles the remainder of us finished the night got taxi's home, 1 couple came back to Bea and my penthouse flat and was staying the night, we had 2 double bedrooms both had king sized very comfortable beds in them.
all four of us got to talking, fantasies came up, Imagined there fantasies would come asked the other 3 if they ever happen come true, they all laughed said we wish, I got some light snacks and another bottle sparkling white wine, we all had a glassful, Bea got up put some music on and started to dance very sexy, the other girl also got up Sammi and was dancing with Bea and they began to undress each other, me Paul and the Guy Shauny, sat on the sofa eyes wide mouth's open in disbelief, bra's came off booth girls had nice ample big breasts, Bea's was nicer to me tiny puffy light coloured nipples, Sammi's was nice but big brownish coloured areola's very big pocky out nipples, Shauny joked with Sammi Be careful with them nipples you will have someone's eyes out. the girls was ow dancing apart Bea came and whispered in my ear these 2 have never seen each other naked before, and definitely never fucked. she kiss walked backwards wiggling her finger for me to join her, obviously this I did, as Bea & Sammi started to cuddle up close they was teasing Shauny the kissed and that kiss became a passionate French kiss tongues, i moved in to cuddle both girls from there sides, looking over at Shauny who had that Deer in the head lamps look on his face, Sammi put hand down Bea's knicker's Bea in turn was unzipping my flies and taking my cock out. I was kissing both, then we all pulled apart Bea told me to go get naked and sit back down, Sammi & Bea continued there dirty dancing they moved towards Shauny, in turn they both put there asses close to his face bending forwards slightly, Bea teased more as she put her pussy still covered by her knickers rite up to his nose then Sammi did the same she as she put her knicker covered pussy towards him pulled her knickers slightly to the side revealing part of her now swelling pussy lip, the girls danced very sexy slowly Bea lowered Sammi's knicker revealing her naked ass Sammi moved her legs to get her knickers to drop to the floor then she stepped out of then turned to Shauny and flicked her knickers with her foot in his face, her pussy looked gorgeous big swollen pussy lips, her inner lips dangling out, (I would love to have put my face on her pussy) she turned back dropped to her knee's in front of Bea and took her knicker's off with her teeth, Bea helped then drop to the floor as Sammi did by wiggling her legs, Sammi parted Bea's leg's and kissed her pussy and licked her clit, I was busy playing with myself, I was close to dropping my load, I nudge Shauny mate you best get naked there is 2 beautiful naked girls there, I remembered his fantasy, he couldn't take his eyes of the girls both naked ample big breasts, both completely shaven smooth pussies, he was transfixed wasn't hearing anything he just sat as if he had been hypnotised. Both Sammi & Bea pulled him up to his feet, he towered above both girls he was a good 6 footer plus, bit of a bean pole 85-90 kg's tops, he was on Bambi legs, the girls stripped him , then took him into one of the bedrooms, I was there to like a shot, all four of us was naked rolling about on the bed, Shauny dropped a bombshell even though he had a reputation of being ladies man, he began to cry kept saying sorry ??? Bea asked why the tears, he said he was so happy, he had always wanted Sammi to be his girlfriend he had fancied loved her since they first met when was 11 yrs old, he had watched her dated other guys, ok Bea said that's nice, as the girls climbed into a 69 position and started to eat each other's pussy. I sat hand on my cock gently stroking that's when Shauny revealed he was still a virgin he never been with any woman, he never seen one naked closed up same room. the girls stopped slid towards him and both touched his cock one sucked other cupped and jangled his balls, for a big 6 footer plus guy he wasn't very big long or thick, he had a 5-6 inch pencil cock, he was enjoying his self, his fantasy was definitely coming true in his very 1st love making experience, the girls got him kissing there breasts and then touching both there pussies, after lick both of them, they was showing where they liked being touched how to touch them, they did this by doing it to each other Shauny taking it all in, his fantasy was to have sex with 2 women make love to one as they had sex with each other, Sammi said to Shauny she had always fancied him to, but thought he wasn't interested many times she had asked him to go out with her to the pub & clubs bowling, cinema, but he always came out with excuses, he quickly replied I wanted to be with you but always knew you had a boyfriend, he didn't go as he would have gotten jealous. as he went back to burring his face in her pussy, when he came up for breathe, he then said he was only with the group as his brother and his girlfriend basically forced him to come along, but he was glad he did, as look where he is and who he is with,
Bea was franticly sucking his balls and cock, I had joined in and Sammi had sat on Shauny's face I was stood in front of Sammi and she was deep throating me, Sammi came on his face as he came on Bea's face, Bea carried on now deep throating him getting him hard again ,Sammi had got me rock hard, she commented that my cock was the biggest longest and thickest she had ever seen, she teased Bea saying I now see why you come in to work some times bandy legged, and sit on one of them rubber bum raising rings, chuckling I moved behind Bea, lifted her on to her knee's as she continued to suck on his pencil cock. Sammi in the mean time was still sat on his face slowly moving back and forwards so he could lick her pussy as well as her pussy, I positioned myself ready to enter Bea's soft tight and I mean tight moist pussy, first I ran the tip up and down her pussy slit, I would flick at her opening I also put the tip of my cock just in her tight ass bud entrance Bea would move down to pull away, so I would keep teasing her ass hole, then back to her pussy she tried to push back to get me up her pussy, I spent a long time doing this, Bea definitely orgasmed at least 3 times and as I entered her ramming my full length balls deep into her she let out a muffled gargling gasp and squirted all over me & the bed her legs was quivering going weak at the knee's
Sammi seeing Bea was having fun and had got Shauny hard again moved her out the way lowered her super swollen wet dangling lips pussy over his cock, she really slowly took him all in, she told him to put his hands on her breasts and tease her nipples, as she oved up and down she lent forwards so he could suck on her nipples, her pussy was filling with air every down ward movement there was a pussy fart and loud slurping sounds, she came over and over could see it running over his balls, Bea lend so she could lick Sammi on the upward stroke, after about 5 mins Shauny exploded deep inside Sammi, he gave her his full sack, it came flooding out of her, they collapsed together, now Bea rode me slowly enjoying my thickness and length inside her, Sammi, turned round and licked my cock and balls and Bea's pussy , Shauny moved off the bed sat in a soft chair by the side of the make up table, he was really happy, out the blue he said to make my fantasy real as I dream it , we all stopped Sammi said come on then fantasy you dream is what, well its nearly there, you 2 girls have eaten each other and deep throated Paul, but he needs to fuck you both while you eat each other swapping and he has to fuck both up your asses, then I wank over both your faces to finish,
That was it, all shit broke loose, Sammi said ok if you want to watch your girlfriend fucked in the pussy and up the ass, by another guy, if I do this for you, you better not walk away from me, you best keep dating me, and it will only be this once. at that Shauny 's face light up, I'm actually your boyfriend am I. Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't believe it I've always wanted this, I've always fancied you wanted you, why would I want to leave you, I've only just now got you ,Shauny had to ask Sammi, 3-4 times as he couldn't believe her word's, he jumped up flew over to Sammi and planted a kiss on her lips then they snogged, he was fingering her pussy all the time, Bea kind of, Huh hummed then, are we doing this or not, I'm drying up and Paul is going soft, soooo??? they broke from snogging Sammi said to Shauny do you really want me to do this, he went and sat back down, Yes, Yes please, it is my fantasy, and my girlfriend is the one bringing my fantasy to life.
He then like a director said laughing Action, silence please at this Bea was snogging Sammi she was fingering Sammi's ass putting fingers up her, I went under Sammi and was licking her pussy watching Bea fingering her as, Bea with her spare hand was wanking me, getting me up, then she climbed over me taking me back in her pussy, I was thrusting up into Bea's shaven tight moist pussy, as she moved her hips in time with me, I came up her pussy, we changed round Sammi on all fours ass in the air face between Bea's legs eating her pussy tongue darting in and out cleaning my cum from inside her pussy, I was behind Sammi I looked at that magnificent looking pussy swollen outer lips inner lips dangling out, can only be described as nicely trimmed ham slices tasted lovely I did jokingly motor boat her lips, I used 2 fingers to pull her hood back to reveal her clit, it was the tinniest clit ever, so cute, but was obviously very sensitive I put my tongue on it gentle licked and flicked , she moved away giving gentle moans I kept teasing her clit with in seconds she was having orgasms, her pussy wasn't as tight as Bea's I managed to work my fingers up her slowly I eased my whole hand inside her pussy wrist deep I kept hitting her G spot and she had many shuddering orgasms, followed my a torrent of a squirt, I then put my long thick cock in her pussy I fucked her hard slowly and deep every inward thrust she gave out a little squeal followed by a gasp as I hit her inner depths, I fucked her like this for a good 10 mins, them Shauny said swap Sammi moved forwards as I pulled Bea who was on her back to me, Sammi sat was over Bea's face Bea looked up said Paul have you seen Sammi's pussy you have gaped her and you have made her even more swollen both sets of lips are puffed up now and they are looking angry and sore, I think you was to big for her, I literally rammed my cock balls deep again no warning up Beas really tight pussy, Sammi was loving being eaten out by Bea, her tongue must have soothed her puffed up sore pussy lips,
I took a quick glance over at Shauny he was busy tugging away at his cock, looked as though he had shot his load a few times,
I Lifted Bea's legs in the air and Sammi span around facing me, I handed Sammi Bea's legs, she pulled them towards her, this kind of tightened Bea's already tight pussy, I watched Bea's pussy as I thrust in and out and her inner flesh was tight around my cock it was as if it was gripping me, same as Sammi, Bea took a gasp every time I thrust in a hit her deep I lost count of Bea's orgasms her legs was constantly shaking quivering, I got sprayed a few times , as I fucked her and rubbed her clit, she couldn't stop she lost all control of her pussy and kept squirting as well as coming over and over, I knew as I was coming close to my own orgasm to slow down almost stop, so I didn't cum. ( I was saving myself ready for when I got to fuck Sammi's ass) again Shauny said swap swap, was quite funny could tell just hoe excited he was getting, he looked at all of us said this is great, you ok Sammi my love, ( I thought it sounded a little sarcastic and patronising seen as less than a couple of hours ago he learnt was told by Sammi they was actually boyfriend and girlfriend) now he wanted to watch firstly me fuck Bea up her ass in same position with Sammi still holding her legs, but he wanted to see Sammi put Bea's hand in her pussy and fist fuck herself, Sammi looked shocked, you don't want a lot do you, this wasn't in your original fantasy was it, what else you going to add, Shauny said he would think of something else if she wanted more, Sammi just sighed myself and be didn't care as we loved sex and to be honest this was the very first time either of us had done anything remotely like this, obviously before we got together we slept with other people Bea had admitted when she was was at university in the states she joined a house and performed sexual things on the girls in the pledge house, and had taken 1 guy in her ass at a party as everyone else watched and egged him on, but she had only ever been with 2 other guys before me, since loosing her virginity at 14 to her Dads work and business partner and step brother. who plied her with drink and slipped something in her drink, then crept into her room whist everyone slept,
but that's another story for another time, that Bea can write about if she wants to share,
back to this story, Bea still on her back legs in the air pulled towards Sammi who was now taking Bea's first deep in her pussy, I entered Bea's ass I had to ease myself very gently slowly in even with lube my cock wouldn't just go in it had to be eased, as it was very thick and long, I haven't mentioned the size before, its between 8-10 inches long might Bea little longer, I get Bea to measure it one day, lets say its very impressive for a white guy, and I think it could be 3-4 inches in girth longer may well ne thicker, definitely no pencil dick.
as I get deeper Bea is moaning she puts her vacant hand down puts against my groin to stop me as I'm hurting stretching her as hole, as her legs are in the air and she is slightly rolled up its made her ass hole tighter, but slowly slowly I am all the way in, A hand appears and passes me some baby oil it was Shauny who was watching everything he had watched as I put my cock up Bea's ass and said it was great seeing the pain on Bea's face as I went in, but he didn't want her to see Bea unable to walk in the morning, I dripped the baby oil into Bea's ass as I began moving in and out the oil made it easier and more comfortable for Bea, as I built speed, Sammi took herself of Bea's fist, lowered her pussy back on to Bea's mouth she handed me Bea's legs back and lent forwards and started to lick her pussy as I was now pumping fast deep and hard into Bea's ass, at this point I noticed Shauny had moved out the chair and was directly behind Sammi, Neither Bea or Sammi was aware of this, Then Sammi lifted her head from licking Bea's pussy, gave a rather pained screech, as Shauny un- announced jammed his cock straight in her pussy, You fucking bastard Sammi hissed at Shauny, then she put her face back on to Bea's pussy, I was fucking Bea's ass hard probably gapping her, definitely giving her an extremely sore red raw ass hole, I had notice a few trickles of blood coming out of Bea's as so I've torn cut her inside or the the entrance rose bud. As Shauny was fucking Sammi's pussy, just like a little bunny rabbit, he gave out a Loud ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I guessed he had cum inside Sammi once again, he slipped out and moved back to the chair, he had some baby wipes and was cleaning his cock, Sammi sat up a little I could See Bea had opened her mouth and Sammi was pushing Shany's cum out her pussy letting it run on to Bea's tongue and in to Bea's mouth then she lowered herself rite on to Bea, Bea was now fishing the rest of his cum out her pussy with her tongue, there came that familiar voice time to change, this is the last bit of my dream Fantasy, said Shauny, the final ass fucking time, Your turn Sammi.
Sammi once again asked if Shauny really wanted her to do this, again there was a resounding Yes! Yes!,
Now was Sammi's turn to drop her bombshell, despite letting others think she was very experienced had had lots of men who had a had lots and lots of sex with her, and she had been to swapping parties and gangbangs as was gangbanged herself by a bunch of stranger's plus she had been Dogging one of her ex's had taken her to truck stop where there was a cubical in the gents toilet that had been turned into a Dogging hole, she lay back on a little mattress that was placed on a board waste height, and there was an arched hole cut in the door where the girl left her naked ass and pussy on show for any wanting guy to fuck either hole, the girl couldn't see who they was, and they couldn't see the girl except pussy and ass,
Turned out none of the stories was true, she just went along with things said as it was fun to see others reactions
I now she had to come clean, she had only had sex with one of her ex's and only on 4-5 occasions, as he was always out drinking with his mates, had lived at home with his parents and they never let him have girls sleep over, so she was basically a virgin, this made Shauny even more happy an excited,
Then she said she had never had Anal sex at all, Me and Bea was extremely shocked, especially after all the stories, and fact Sammi said she had done Anal before and enjoyed and loved it.
That was when Shauny pulled another bomb, that makes this even better part of my Dream Fantasy was to see both of the girl eat each other as a guy fucked them in the pussy then fucked both in the ass, perfect would have been one of the girls be a lesbian who had never experience sex with a man, so she was a pussy virgin and an ass virgin, so at least there is an ass virgin I can watch take it deep and hard. Shauny had a very sadistic devilish look come across his face,
Sammi looked at my cock took it in her hand, (it was now going soft) looked at M and Bea, and said to be does it hurt much, Bea said it does hurt at first but then pleasure takes over.
then Sammi still my cock in hand said to Shauny you heard Bea it hurts, So you really want me to take this monster in my ass ???
Bea was fed up she lay back and was fingering her pussy, she said once you 3 have finished playing games let me know, actually Sammi let my Paul's cock go, Paul come here we can carry on she led my cock to her mouth and asked me to put myself in to a 69 on top of her,
Shauny and Sammi was now in each others arms snogging away, Sammi said is that really your fantasy, Shauny said yes yes it was, I was listening as me and Bea ate each other.
You really want your new girlfriends ass torn up stretched busted fucked don't you. Shany just said yes I do and I would rather it be a good friend who I know I can trust not tell anyone.
With a few tears Sammi said ok, I am only doing this for you, she then lay back down besides me and Bea, Sammi asked Bea if she really wanted me to be the first to fuck her ass break her in, (I think Sammi was hoping Bea said she minded didn't really want me to do it) but Be said yeah its ok I love to see Paul fuck another girls ass, and why not be her work college, they could compare notes after, having a little giggle, Bea then told Sammi 1st time always hurts, not to badly, but as you get into it the guy begans to pump in and out the pain goes and pure pleasure takes over, she has had better orgasms being ass fucked.
Bea looked at me and said winking you will be gentle with Sammi's virgin ass wont you Paul, yeah of course I will go gentle easy on her
After some more licking deep throating from both girls my cock was full mast rock hard solid Shauny said for Sammi to kneel on all fours ass facing him as he wanted to see his girlfriends very 1st Anal entry, Bea slipped under Sammi, so she could eat her pussy and watch see me taking her ass virginity, I went behind Sammi and dripped a few drops at 1st of the baby oil in to her ass hole gentle rubbing it in slowly working a finger into her ass, dripping a little more oil and massaging in I put 2 fingers inside to open her up gently so she would open naturally soon with the help of the oil I had eased 3 fingers into her ass hole, her hole was beginning to open nice and wide, then Shauny took over, his fingers was longer and thicker than mine, Sammi winced every time he finger fucked her he was quite rough, I climbed up on the bed positioned myself just above her ass I had the tip of my cock pressing gently at her ass hole opening I was easing bit by bit nice and slowly the head of my cock , she was opening as the tip went deeper, soon I had a couple of inches in her ass, I moved in and out as not to hurt her to much, I went deeper as I down thrust 2-3 mins of going slowly I was all the way in she took all 8-10 inches 3-4 inch thick cock, I began to move in and out getting a nice rhythm Bea was underneath looking up she said it was a pretty site, a little blood had run out down Sammi's thighs, I pumped in and out stretching her once tight virgin as open. Shauny wanted Sammi on her back in exactly same position I had fucked Bea's ass in a while ago, Bea slid out I pulled out Sammi's ass, while still on her knees Shauny took a look OMFG Paul has torn you a new ass hole, I could see myself she was torn ripped a little very sore purple like it was bruised, Bea had a look, did I ever look that bad Paul ? she is really open you have done a good job of gapping her, look at the size of her hole, Sammi wanted to be shown in the dressing table mirror, when she seen the size of her hole and the colour of it she shouted at Shauny look at me look at me, you did this to me, Shauny just laughed said its not over yet, Paul has got to come deep in your ass, like he did Bea, Sammi with out saying another word lay flat on her back told me to lift her legs in the air, she called be over said put that cunt of yours on my face will you are holding my legs bending me lifting my ass up, your boyfriend Paul is going to fuck my ass, Bea put her pussy on to Sammi's face as asked I passed Bea Sammi's legs and then re-entered her ass, this time it went in without to much of a struggle, slowly does it I heard Sammi say from under Bea's pussy, I moved slowly building up a nice rhythm as before, Then Shauny put his head on the bed close to Sammi's ear he said something that Sammi didn't like to much, he got up came to me and basically told me to ruin his girlfriend Sammi's ass, he looked at Bea what do you think Bea should Paul give her ass a proper good fucking fast furious deep and hard, Bea just giggled you best ask Paul if he wants to do that, he asked me I told him it was best to ask Sammi as its her ass that's being fucked, Sammi do you want to really give me my Dream Fantasy, In a muffled voice as Sammi had Bea's pussy over her mouth, you know I do. so you agree Paul can fuck your ass hole fast furious deep and hard give you a good royal pounding, again a muffled I am only doing this for you, is that a yes then Shauny asked Sammi muffed said ok yes Paul just get it over fuck me as you feel fit, just hurry up and come,
I was still fucking her ass at a nice rhythm, I lent forwards and mine and Bea's lips met and we kissed, I said to be you are ok with this, you know I love you, I know she said I love you to. now give her your best ass pounding then come deep inside her, see if you can make her squirt like I do when you fuck my ass deep fast and hard.
Sammi darling Bea said, Paul is going to pound the fucking shit out of you, you know your ass will never be the same, my ass was sore for weeks after Paul had finished that's why I
had to sit on that blow up doughnut at work,
READY Shauny said, I gained speed I held Sammi's hips tight ass I began to pound her once tight ass hole, shauny was coaxing me on , Bea then lowered Sammi's legs on top my shoulders I shuffled Sammi up the bed , with her legs on my shoulder, I was able to pile driver really deep in to her ass, I was now really pounding the poor bitches ass, she was gasping every thrust Sammi was screaming and squealing I wasn't sure if it was from pain or real pleasure, but I wasn't about to stop and ask her. I could just about make out you are breaking my ass I can feel you are to big you are ripping my ass up, I feel it tearing me open.
Shaunt heard her saying these things more she said the harder he wanted me to go, at one point he was pushing my ass in. My beautiful girlfriend Bea stood by my side and we was kissing snogging she ran her fingers through my mullet hair, gently massaging my neck wiping my forehead as I was sweating loads, I could feel these pressure in my sack, I was loosing my fast furious rhythm I stiffened up and started to empty my sack deep inside Sammi's ass, OMFG, Sammi shouted out I can feel you pumping your seed inside me I can feel every throb every squirt, its so hot, as I began to pump again a few seconds later I came a second time, I pulled out while I was still coming I move quickly and as Sammi was about to say something I put my cock in her mouth and squirted again and again, choking and gagging on my cum, Sammi said stop stop you are killing me as the cum in her mouth ran out down her chin. she rolled on too her belly. Bea joined her laying on her belly to Bea kissed Sammi on her lips and said you enjoyed that ass pounding didn't you, Sammi smiled and snogged Bea pushing some of my cum in to her mouth, as they snogged I sat at the end of the bed calming down getting my breathe back, Shauny jumped up on the bed he was wanking himself furiously he let out a loud Yes Yes as he came over both girls backs, he had completed his Dream Fantasy, he thanked us all said he had the best night of his life 2 dreams came true in one night, he has the girl of his dreams as his girlfriend, and 3 of his best most trusted friend had made hid fantasy come true,
Bea cuddled me and we kissed, said lets go to bed Paul my Love she held my hand as we walked out that bedroom into our own, we quickly had a shower, washed each other, climb in to bed and cuddled up together, as well fell asleep,
we left Sammi and Shauny in the bedroom of fun, they obviously had more sex could hear them,
we awoke mid morning the next day Sammi was still in bed lay on her front, Bea asked where Shauny was Sammi said wasn't he in the front room watching sport, i shouted from the front room the sports is on but no Shauny anywhere,
Both girls was cursing him they was about to find and kill thought he had had his way and run out on Sammi,
Bea came to me said e is your fucking friend Paul you best find him get him back here with an explanation, Looking over Bea's shoulder i could see Shauny stood in the open front door, huh hum Shauny as Bea swivelled looking embarrassed red faced, Shauny said he nipped out got 4 McDonalds breakfast's with extra hash browns, and 4 latte coffee's, and he had stopped in at Tesco express picked up a selection of naughty but nice cakes,
he put them on the kitchen counter said once Sammi gets her ass out of bed we can tuck in,
Sammi got up got dressed she couldn't put her knickers on as she was to sore pussy and ass was still gaping open and definitely bruised sore, so she just had her knee length skirt on, as she walked in the front room she walked as if she had just gotten of a horse, she couldn't close her thighs as she was so sore, Bea went to our bedroom came back with her chair doughnut gave it to Sammi said you will be needing this fore few weeks by the look of you, we all laughed at poor Sammi.
later that evening Shauny took Sammi home,
From that night on, I kept thinking about Bea's Fantasy, should I try make it come true, could I make it happen, how would I plan it, did I need help, would Bea want it to come true, lots of questions I needed to solve in my mind,
To be continue,
My wife and I have been married for 3 years, I am 34 and she is 28, We have a decent sex life but never do anything "out of the norm" She is a nice size and has a decent but no huge pair of tits, Her pussy is always nicely trimmed and most men would be proud to have her on their arm.
My wifes best friend has always been a big part of our life and Is round our house a couple of times a week, Stopping over most weekends. She is 26 and petite but with lovely breast's.
I have always thought she is fucking hot, but knowing how close they are have never done anything about it other then jokingly flirting with her when my wife is there, I knew if I tried anything on with her then she would tell the wife straight away.
Often the girls stay up late drinking at the weekends and I go to bed earlier where I normally stroke my cock over made up fantasies about the girls having lesbian sex or us having a 3sum.
Last weekend the friend (lets call her sophie) was over and I was cutting the grass, Sophie brought me a cold drink out and stood chatting for a minute, she was being flirty, As I finished my drink I saw my wife was stood in the kitchen window watching.
As I finished off and went back into the house the girls were coming downstairs with only tiny bikini's on, They told me they were going to sunbath and I suggested in a joking fashion that they should sunbath naked, Sophie looked at me and said "You have waited long enough to see me naked, maybe we will" Then the 2 girls went off giggling.
I went upstairs and showered, Playing with myself in the shower as I did, Once I had got out I went to the window so I could perv over the girls and they both had taken their tops off, I was shocked because In the 3 years we had been married I had never known them to act like this.
I went down to the kitchen and made some cold drinks, I walked slowly out to the girls and my wife smiled at me in that way that women do when they have caught you out "like what you see do you" sophie announced,I nodded and sat down inbetween them.
My wife (lets call her rachael) asked me if I was going to sunbath naked, I quickly pointed out that the girls were not naked and that would be unfair If I was the only one with nothing on.
The girls said that If i stripped off for them they would follow suit.........
Do you all want to hear more?
My wife and I have been married for 3 years, I am 34 and she is 28, We have a decent sex life but never do anything "out of the norm" She is a nice size and has a decent but no huge pair of tits, Her pussy is always nicely trimmed and most men would be proud to have her on their arm.
My wifes best friend has always been a big part of our life and Is round our house a couple of times a week, Stopping over most weekends. She is 26 and petite but with lovely breast's.
I have always thought she is fucking hot, but knowing how close they are have never done anything about it other then jokingly flirting with her when my wife is there, I knew if I tried anything on with her then she would tell the wife straight away.
Often the girls stay up late drinking at the weekends and I go to bed earlier where I normally stroke my cock over made up fantasies about the girls having lesbian sex or us having a 3sum.
Last weekend the friend (lets call her sophie) was over and I was cutting the grass, Sophie brought me a cold drink out and stood chatting for a minute, she was being flirty, As I finished my drink I saw my wife was stood in the kitchen window watching.
As I finished off and went back into the house the girls were coming downstairs with only tiny bikini's on, They told me they were going to sunbath and I suggested in a joking fashion that they should sunbath naked, Sophie looked at me and said "You have waited long enough to see me naked, maybe we will" Then the 2 girls went off giggling.
I went upstairs and showered, Playing with myself in the shower as I did, Once I had got out I went to the window so I could perv over the girls and they both had taken their tops off, I was shocked because In the 3 years we had been married I had never known them to act like this.
I went down to the kitchen and made some cold drinks, I walked slowly out to the girls and my wife smiled at me in that way that women do when they have caught you out "like what you see do you" sophie announced,I nodded and sat down inbetween them.
My wife (lets call her rachael) asked me if I was going to sunbath naked, I quickly pointed out that the girls were not naked and that would be unfair If I was the only one with nothing on.
The girls said that If i stripped off for them they would follow suit.........
Do you all want to hear more?
I am a 35 year old large bearded man but lately I've been having an odd fantasy that through some form of magic I become a petite spam girl and do my best to seduce each member of my family as well as others.
I imagine what it would feel like to finger-bang my pussy and to be fucked by a strong man or to have sex with a lesbian. To feel my small tit rubbed and fingers going inside my slender body. To be delightfully female and a complete slut.
Anybody else have similar fantasies?
I have a few TRUE stories of events that took place when i was a Continental Holiday Tour Coach Driver
I mainly did one man drives and my wife came with me at times and did the on board Hostess thing, (serving drinks little snack, and giving basic information of excursions available,
She also helped with checking the passengers tickets etc and gave them there seating numbers.
Obviously i did the driving and courier guide work, i always met the coach at Dover or service station near to Dover, some times when the tour holiday required 2 drivers we did our own feeder coach ( picked passengers holiday makers up from various places around the UK)
I Paul 38 years old had been married to Clare for around 7-8 years
I am and average guy nothing special except a GSOH, and a very nice personality, i am 5'7" -5'8" tall around 12.7 stone in weight balding brown hair, hazel eyes, fit torso, average 7-8 inch long 2-3 inch thick penis
Clare 32 years old beautiful woman 5'2" - 5'4" tall a petit 6-7 stone in weight, very gym fit petite figure, big D cup tits Strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes, rounded tight bum, completely shave nice looking pussy, slight outy labia.
These stories begin over a meal and a few to many drinks sat in a hotel restaurant in Amsterdam, (Holland) Netherland's we had visited the Red Light District, the very first time Clare had seen the sights, we went into one of the 3 live sex clubs Casa Rosa's and watched 3 different sex shows being performed a lesbian show, a 1 on 1 male female fuck show, then final show 1 woman 3 guy air tight fuck show, this one caught Clare's eye the most, once we had done this we walked along the Canal sides taking in the sex shops DVD shops and the girls and boys sitting in the windows touting for sex (selling) then we did the Bull dog pubs before finally going into the Latin quarter where there are karaoke bars Coffee shops (where you can purchase and try some drugs) and various quick food take away type restaurants,
Before we headed back to our Hotel where we sat chatting about everything and anything, when Clare said she really enjoyed the 1 woman being fucked by 3 guy's
We had a healthy sex life but was getting a little stail was in need of an Excitement injection,
We had done a little swinging in our early years of marriage but Clare got a little jealous when i fucked another woman, so we stopped,
Any way after seeing this show Clare said she like to try another cock, i thought maybe it would help put a little spice back in our sexual relationship,
Clare as she spoke about it put my hand under the table on her panties between her legs to show me how wet the thought made her and she was soaking wet, i fingered her at the table, then took her to our room and finished the job, gave her real god pussy fucking she squirted everywhere, she squirted a lot but nothing like this one,
We then ventured back out to do the Red Light again in the dark was great Clare clung to my arm while we walked stopping at every pub/bar along all sides of the Canal's
We got wasted drunk whilst in the very last pub i caught out the corner of my eye a group of your guy's looking at Clare i heard one say i love to see her naked look at that figure and size of her tits, as the group had a chuckle,
I whispered to Clare put you had down the top of your low cut top and accidently let a tit drop out, being drunk she just did as i suggested the look on the group of guy's faces was an absolute picture, Clare headed for the toilet was only gone a few min's when she came back she sat directly facing the group of guys she whispered in my ear i've got no panties on, i took them off in the toilet, there in my handbag as she said this i started to open her legs and gently lifting her skirt up her thigh's slowly revealing her completely shaved pussy to this group of guy's
You could see how surprised these guy's was all had that wide opened mouth look eye's real wide, i took my hand away so they could have a clear perfect view of her pussy, her legs was spread as wide as her skirt would allow, after giving them a good look, Clare gave them a little show and fingered her own pussy putting 2-3 fingers inside herself, she started to orgasm and gave a little squirt, that's when the owner manager barman noticed proceeding's he calmly said to us sorry you can't do that kind of thing in here, your get me in trouble if the police see and they regular come in, please take to your hotel or in one of the many park's.
Clare just smiled went bright red said sorry she didn't know what come over her shortly after we gathered ourselves up, walked straight passed the group of stunned lads and headed out we walked along the Canals, out the Red Light got on a tram and went back to our Hotel
in our room Clare stripped me and herself naked knelt on the be and ordered me to fuck her hard, she came after i had rammed hard into her doggy style, her moans got louder and louder she screamed real loud fuck me your bastard make me cum harder harder, she came and squirted real hard, fell flat on her tummy pushed her ass in the air and asked me to take her in her ass, we had done once twice before i thought she didn't like it so never tried,
once she said take her i never had a 2nd thought i buried my 7-8 inch cock straight in her using her pussy juices as lube, and it didn't take long 2-3 mins and i emptied a big load in her ass,
Clare loved it, we showered cleaned up had a very passionate kiss and cuddle as the water cascade over our naked bodies, then we retired to bed once again snuggled up and went to sleep, in the morning over breakfast both of us being a little hung over and Clare complaining her asshole was sore, I brought the subject up of having another guy fuck her with me, similar to what she had said she wanted to try, Clare shut me down, that was never going to happen, it was just the drink and excitement talking,
She was married to me and my cock was the only one going in here and not in her ass, that was an exit only, She guessed as her asshole was sore it had been taken the night before, she forgive this once as we was both drunk and had lost control,
My mind was working overtime, i had to do something get her fucked by other men, so i knew i had to either get her drunk or drugged up to coerce her into doing such a thing,
And we was in the ideal place to get some drugs and there was plenty of Pubs/Bars Clubs to get her set up drunk or drugged ready. i could take her to one of the Casa Rosa Club's to start her sexual motor going get her super randy, then take full advantage,
All this was easy the difficult part was finding a guy or guy's willing to take part,