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nx2000abge gets on his soapbox in the community of motherless
and shouts
Friends, Admins, Subscribers and anybody else out there, sorry to
interrupt your perving, but after almost six years of caring for and
nurturing my bio, the ungrateful little bastard seems to have run off.
if anyone sees it scampering around, please return it to me,
And if any Admin aided in his escape, or carted him off to the gas
chamber for something he said, please let me know what it was so I
can train my new bio better. Also, dear Admins, leaving behind the
message " You haven't filled in your bio! Do it now."on a premium
user's page after doing either of the aforementioned acts, and there
so freaking many blank ones on the site, is just plain insulting. it
makes people feel foolish for supporting the site and community.
(hint hint )
Thank you all for your attention , please return to your perving while
I go do some of my own and work on a kinder, gentler, more PC bio
so the snowflakes in the community don't get butt hurt and get it
deleted again, or gets me slapped with a ban for speaking my mind
in a "moral free zone" like this is rant likely to.
Also, I should note that if ANY of My pictures are posted under the user "anonymous" they have been posted without My approval or knowledge by a spineless, cowardly, it small minded, IR e snowflake stalker troll that couldn't get laid if he had a million dollars and was in a room full of hookers.
nx2000abge gets off his soapbox, saddened by this event and
begins to wonder what sites are out there.
Welcome all who visit here, may you LLAP. I am a 62 yo disabled
computer geek with way too much free time and attitude as
evidenced above. A former boss said " He is a teddy bear until
poked then He becomes a grizzly ".
I enjoy chatting and roleplay, but will not use the site chat. PM's,
Yahoo IM, Google Hangouts and Skype are the best ways to get
in touch with Me. I will provide My user ID's when requested. I do
not and will not cam or use toe, as it does not run directly on
My Windows 10 laptop.
Friend requests will be offered, accepted, and kept based on
content, bio, and last date seen..Things that will ensure you get
declined or deleted include being MIA for more then 120 days,
having no bio or content, and being a guy with sexuality listed
as anything but straight. Sorry if that offends anyone but while I
do respect everyone's choice in that area I have found that My
choice is not respected. It has gotten to the point that anyone
who objects to My position, or any guy who asks Me to "rub one
off" gets a one way express ticket to My ignore list.
Since most people who use "private" profiles do not know how to
make sure their friends can see them, I ignore requests from them
and delete anyone that changes their profile to private.
I feel that, since this is supposed to be a community, that
support should be given by ALL members, So please put
something in your bios and add a pic or two.. I am mildly
amused and saddened by the number of "lonely" or "looking
for" users with no bio or content. how is anyone going to be
interested in that?
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
99% Owner
99% Daddy/Mommy
99% Brat Tamer
96% Rigger
94% Voyeur
88% Degrader
84% Primal (Hunter)
68% Experimentalist
68% Sadist
66% Non-monogamist
62% Exhibitionist
17% Vanilla
3% Girl/Boy
2% Masochist
1% Pet
1% Switch
0% Rope Bunny
0% Slave
0% Primal (Prey)
0% Submissive
0% Brat
0% Degradee
Feel free to ask Me anything, I will answer honestly, but will
not give personal info , meeting IRL is unlikely, but not
impossible , do not ask for phone number.
Thank you for dropping by, please enjoy and comment on
My uploads.
hopefully, this one is more PC then the last o
and shouts
Friends, Admins, Subscribers and anybody else out there, sorry to
interrupt your perving, but after almost six years of caring for and
nurturing my bio, the ungrateful little bastard seems to have run off.
if anyone sees it scampering around, please return it to me,
And if any Admin aided in his escape, or carted him off to the gas
chamber for something he said, please let me know what it was so I
can train my new bio better. Also, dear Admins, leaving behind the
message " You haven't filled in your bio! Do it now."on a premium
user's page after doing either of the aforementioned acts, and there
so freaking many blank ones on the site, is just plain insulting. it
makes people feel foolish for supporting the site and community.
(hint hint )
Thank you all for your attention , please return to your perving while
I go do some of my own and work on a kinder, gentler, more PC bio
so the snowflakes in the community don't get butt hurt and get it
deleted again, or gets me slapped with a ban for speaking my mind
in a "moral free zone" like this is rant likely to.
Also, I should note that if ANY of My pictures are posted under the user "anonymous" they have been posted without My approval or knowledge by a spineless, cowardly, it small minded, IR e snowflake stalker troll that couldn't get laid if he had a million dollars and was in a room full of hookers.
nx2000abge gets off his soapbox, saddened by this event and
begins to wonder what sites are out there.
Welcome all who visit here, may you LLAP. I am a 62 yo disabled
computer geek with way too much free time and attitude as
evidenced above. A former boss said " He is a teddy bear until
poked then He becomes a grizzly ".
I enjoy chatting and roleplay, but will not use the site chat. PM's,
Yahoo IM, Google Hangouts and Skype are the best ways to get
in touch with Me. I will provide My user ID's when requested. I do
not and will not cam or use toe, as it does not run directly on
My Windows 10 laptop.
Friend requests will be offered, accepted, and kept based on
content, bio, and last date seen..Things that will ensure you get
declined or deleted include being MIA for more then 120 days,
having no bio or content, and being a guy with sexuality listed
as anything but straight. Sorry if that offends anyone but while I
do respect everyone's choice in that area I have found that My
choice is not respected. It has gotten to the point that anyone
who objects to My position, or any guy who asks Me to "rub one
off" gets a one way express ticket to My ignore list.
Since most people who use "private" profiles do not know how to
make sure their friends can see them, I ignore requests from them
and delete anyone that changes their profile to private.
I feel that, since this is supposed to be a community, that
support should be given by ALL members, So please put
something in your bios and add a pic or two.. I am mildly
amused and saddened by the number of "lonely" or "looking
for" users with no bio or content. how is anyone going to be
interested in that?
100% Dominant
100% Master/Mistress
99% Owner
99% Daddy/Mommy
99% Brat Tamer
96% Rigger
94% Voyeur
88% Degrader
84% Primal (Hunter)
68% Experimentalist
68% Sadist
66% Non-monogamist
62% Exhibitionist
17% Vanilla
3% Girl/Boy
2% Masochist
1% Pet
1% Switch
0% Rope Bunny
0% Slave
0% Primal (Prey)
0% Submissive
0% Brat
0% Degradee
Feel free to ask Me anything, I will answer honestly, but will
not give personal info , meeting IRL is unlikely, but not
impossible , do not ask for phone number.
Thank you for dropping by, please enjoy and comment on
My uploads.
hopefully, this one is more PC then the last o
nx2000abge's achievements 5
Pictures and Videos of Me



mug shots

mug shots

nx2000abge's Comments